Logical Reasoning
When pregnant lab rats are given caffeine equivalent to the amount a human would consume by drinking six cups of coffee per day, an increase in the incidence of birth defects results. When asked if the government would require warning labels on products containing caffeine, a spokesperson stated that it would not because if the finding of these studies were to be refuted in the future, the government would lose credibility.
Which of the following is most strongly suggested by the government's statement above?
A. A warning that applies to a small population is inappropriate.
B. Very few people drink as many as six cups of coffee a day.
C. There are doubts about the conclusive nature of studies on animals.
D. Studies on rats provide little data about human birth defects.
E. The seriousness of birth defects involving caffeine is not clear.
The answer is...
C. "If the government acts before the study can be proven conclusively, it will lose credibility."
I got this one wrong because I completely ignored the last statement from the information given. Anybody with me on this one...?
Credits: petersons.com
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